Effective diet for weight loss. The 5 best diets

There are many diets these days. Low in calories, low in fat, protein, mono diets, and more - there are plenty to choose from. But not all of them are effective in the weight loss process, and some can even harm the body. It is also very important to combine changes in diet and exercise for effective results. And most importantly, before using an effective diet for weight loss, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination. This is the only way to be sure not to harm the body.

It is not recommended to choose too strict diets. Yes, they can give a short-term result in the form of a few dropped kilograms, but that will affect your well-being and mood, and then the extra pounds will quickly return. It is much more effective to gradually switch to proper nutrition, change your diet and supplement all this with physical activity. In this case, it will turn out not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to improve health.

Diet food helped the girl to find a slim figure

Kefir diet

Despite all its gravity, this mono diet is very popular. Frequent use and for long periods are not recommended. But if you do everything right, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, balance the microflora in the stomach, cleanse the body of toxins. By itself, kefir is a very useful product that provides a sustainable weight loss result and benefits for the whole body.

There are several options for a kefir diet:

  1. Within 3 days, you need to drink 1. 5 liters of kefir per day. This portion is divided into 5-6 meals. Sugar cannot be added to kefir, and it is also forbidden to use additional products. Such a mono diet should not be used for more than three days.
  2. The same volume of kefir (1. 5 liters) can be diversified with one kilogram of fruit or vegetables per day. The duration of such a diet should not exceed 5-6 days.
  3. This type of kefir diet is called "striped" because kefir days alternate with normal days where you are allowed to eat any food.
  4. Every day you need to drink 1. 5 liters of kefir and eat the proposed products (list below).

Here's what a rough diet for 1 diet approach might look like:

  • day 1 - boiled potatoes 5 pieces;
  • day 2 - boiled chicken (100 g);
  • day 3 - another portion of boiled meat (100 g);
  • day 4 - boiled fish (100 g);
  • day 5 - you can eat fruits or vegetables (except high-calorie bananas and grapes);
  • day 6 - only kefir;
  • day 7 - fasting day, drinking only mineral water is allowed.

The kefir diet causes stress to the body, so it is not recommended to repeat it before a month. And if the diet process itself gives you a lot of inconvenience and is difficult, the breaks should reach at least two months.

Diet of the Kremlin

This diet has proven its effectiveness over and over again. By following it, you can lose up to 6 kg in 8 days. And if you stick to it for longer, it is quite possible to lose up to 15 kg in a month and a half. In addition, the weight disappears according to a certain pattern - the more pounds, the easier and faster they go. The essence of the Kremlin diet is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. During weight loss, the body consumes energy reserves from body fat, and even the use of a large amount of protein does not interfere with a positive result.

The main rule of this diet, which must be strictly observed, is to avoid sugar in any form. Even a piece of sugar will be the same as the daily norm. You can eat fish, meat, eggs, cheese, low-carb vegetables without restrictions.

Healthy foods allowed in the Kremlin diet

The caloric content of products is measured in points, where 1 point is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates contained in 100 g of product. The diet will be even more effective if you not only count the points, but also count the calories and eat no more than 4 hours before bed. When losing weight, the diet should be 40 points, and when maintaining weight - 60 points.

An approximate menu for the Kremlin diet can be written as follows:

  • Breakfast: You can boil 3 sausages (0 points), eat 100 g of fried eggplant (5 points) and drink a tea without sugar (0 points).
  • Lunch: chop the cabbage salad and season it with vegetable oil (100 g - 5 points), cook the cream cheese soup (250 g - 6 points), pork chop is suitable as a main course (100 g - 0 points), drink - coffee without Sahara.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie black olives (10 pieces - 2 points).
  • Dinner: fresh ripe tomatoes (100 g - 6 points), boiled fish (200 g - 0 points), a glass of kefir (6 points).

Total: 36 points.

Buckwheat diet

This diet is quite tough, but very effective. With it, you can lose up to 10 kg. Duration - one week. Buckwheat provides the body with a lasting feeling of satiety, cleanses the body and has a beneficial effect on the skin condition. After such a diet, you need to take a break for at least a month, perhaps more.

For this diet, you need to cook buckwheat in a special way: pour a glass of cereal with 2 cups of boiling water and leave it overnight. In the morning, you need to drain the excess liquid and you can eat, you don't have to do anything else with cereals. You can not add salt and sugar to porridge. During the day buckwheat can be consumed in any quantity, you can also drink water in unlimited quantities. It is allowed to drink kefir, not more than 1 liter per day. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. If the feeling of hunger torments you too much, you can dilute the kefir with water (1: 1) and drink it.

There is a less strict version of this diet, in which it is allowed to drink low-fat yogurt, eat fruit or vegetables. But the results of this approach will be less impressive. Be sure to drink multivitamins during the buckwheat diet, and after the end, continue to eat in moderation so that the extra pounds don't come back. Try not to pass, do not eat later than 4 hours before bedtime and do not get hungry days.

carbohydrate-free diet

A carbohydrate-free diet is an effective weight loss diet that allows you to lose extra pounds quickly and effectively. Its essence is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates (sugar and starch) consumed. Per day, you can consume 250 allowable calories, which come in the form of carbohydrates. At the same time, you can consume meat, fish, citrus fruits, berries, vegetables, roots in unlimited quantities.

At the same time, the consumption of sugar, fruit (with the exception of citrus fruits), potatoes, carrots, flour, bread, dairy products, corn, cereals, fats, sugary and alcoholic beverages is severely limited. The basic rules of a carbohydrate-free diet:

  • after eating it is forbidden to drink for 30 minutes;
  • you can fry food only in olive oil;
  • after 20 hours do not eat at all;
  • adopt the principle of fractional nutrition (eat in small portions at least 5 times a day).

Sample menu to choose from:

  • boiled lean meat, cooked without salt and without spices, divided into 4 parts (about 100 g per piece) and add a side dish of vegetables daily (200-300 g are consumed throughout the day). As a drink, a rosehip broth is suitable, which you need to drink in the morning and evening.
  • 250 g of boiled lean meat, 2 cups of tea and 2 glasses of juice divided into 5 meals.

apple diet

The apple diet is great for weight loss. This fruit is extremely beneficial for the body, helps to lose weight quickly, normalizes metabolism, and apples also have a positive effect on the body of people suffering from hypertension, and are also suitable as a preventive measure for atherosclerosis.

There are several options for the apple diet:

  1. During the day, you can eat an unlimited number of apples and drink a lot of water.
  2. During the day it is allowed to eat 1. 5 kg of apples, you can not drink liquids (the moisture contained in apples will be enough)
  3. Kefir is added to apples: for one fruit - half a glass of kefir. There should be 5-6 meals a day.
  4. This version of the apple diet is the toughest. The number of fruit consumed varies daily, depending on the day: 1st day - 1 kg of apples, 2nd - 1. 5 kg, 3rd - 2 kg, 4th - 2 kg, 5th - 1. 5 kg, 6 ° - 1 kg. Eating black bread crackers and drinking green tea is also allowed.

Eating an apple diet for three days is helpful for people who quit smoking. Along with apples, it is also allowed to drink green tea.

Useful tips for those on a diet

In most cases, the basis of malnutrition is a premature meal. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 4 times a day and taking 3-4 hour breaks between meals. This time it will be enough for the body to fully digest the food. If you reduce the number of meals, but increase the portions, the food will not be fully absorbed and some of the nutrients will turn into fat. Proper nutrition is the key to normal weight and good health.

Lost kilograms of excess weight - the result of the diet

If you get used to the regimen, the stomach will prepare for the next meal, highlighting the required amount of gastric juice. This will improve the digestion process, the products will be completely absorbed and the fat will no longer settle. At the same time, if you miss a meal, you can damage the stomach, as the gastric juice will begin to corrode the intestinal walls.

According to doctors, harmless diets simply don't exist. The most unpleasant consequences of any diet can be: an insufficient amount of nutrients needed by the body, a gradual addiction (over time, the diet simply stops working), the return of lost kilograms after the diet is completed. To avoid these consequences, it is necessary to take vitamins with any diet, and also to gradually leave it. That is, and therefore limit yourself in nutrition, but not so strictly. And to improve the effectiveness of the diet and prevent weight gain, it is necessary to add physical activity here. By following these simple tips, any diet will increase its effectiveness.

How to deal with hunger

Drinking warm water reduces the feeling of hunger. If water seems too boring to you, you can replace it with herbal or regular tea, unsweetened berry broth or compote. 1-2 cups of hot liquid will help dull the feeling of hunger.

Eat slowly and chew your food well. So you will not only be able to absorb more nutrients, but also enjoy your meal. Try not to have a snack in a hurry, find at least 10-15 minutes to devote to your food, your body will be grateful to you.

Avoid stress. Many people are used to "catching" trouble with a piece of cake. If you can't avoid stress, find another way to deal with it. Physical activity not only helps calm and restore vigor, but also very helpful in losing weight.

Now you know the recipes for the most popular and effective diets. It remains only to choose the option you like, strict or not, and follow the recommendations. And remember that you should not violate the recommendations, follow a diet longer than the prescribed period and make diet changes on your own. Before going on a diet, consult your doctor.